This work is supported by the European Commission through the MONICA H2020 PROJECT under grant agreement No 732350.
COP UI Tutorial for Security Monitoring
This is a tutorial for how to use the COP (Common Operational Picture) for Security Monitoring using environmental sensors. It uses the simulated demonstration. needs to be launched in docker, follow the instructions there.
The COP UI is a simple map based interface for displaying the current state of an event. The COP UI is built using predefined Points Of Interest POI, called instance data, and mixing it with sensor and service derived dynamic information. All the functionality exposed in the COP UI is using the COP.API.
The user interface is built with a main menu, to the left, that selects which view the user shown.
In this case we have five modes:
The number views depends on the application
The DASHBOARD view shows an overview of the current conditions using the following:
The intention is that one can get a quick overview of the current situation from this view.
In the sensor view shows the values of the individual sensors.
The history of values are also shown giving a possibility to look at different trends. For each of the sensors also the time of the last measurement is shown.
In the MAP view the user can zoom in and out of the map and also move the MAP. All this is achieved by using the normal Google Maps interface, i.e dragging the map with the mouse or fingers, zoom by pinching or by using the “+” and “-“ controls in the map.
The map also shows the position of the sensors as well as the point of interest. Below the map there are dropdown list that can be used to select what is rendered on the map.
The ALERTS view displays all the ongoing alerts that have been created by (DSS).
In this case the windspeed has exceeded the limit and the DSS has created an security incident. In this case the incident includes an intervention plan that which actions should be done. In this case a number of rides should be stopped and some other actions done as well.
The user can choose between dismissing the incident or resolve it. The action chosen is stored with the incident and can later be used to check when the incident started and what the action was.